Humic Acid
Our raw material is derived from the finest, richest, and purest source of humic acid in North America and arguably the World. Our humic acid source is a weathered type of oxidized sub-bituminous coal rich in humic substances. Our humic acid source is similar to the commonly found Leonardite (lignite coal), but our source contains a higher concentration of Humic Acids and significantly lower levels of ash and heavy metals, such as lead, arsenic, and mercury.
Green Diamond Liquid Humic Acid is blended with pure artesian water, which is drawn from deep below the Earth and to ensure the highest quality water source. Our wet chemistry process enables the benefits of humic acid such as nutrient delivery to begin working immediately upon application.
Green Diamond Granular organic, is a highly concentrated source of humic substances that is ideal for use on fields, turf, and vegetable gardens. Carefully mined from one of the world's richest deposits, it is derived from the ancient remains of decomposed organic plant materials and may increase micro-nutrient uptake by plants.